Selasa, 02 Desember 2008


HRH, The Prince of Wales, Islam And The West

. . . we have underestimated the importance of 800 years of
Islamic society and culture in Spain between the 8th and 15th
centuries. The contribution of Muslim Spain to the preservation of
classical learning during the Dark Ages, and to the first
flowering of the Renaissance, has long been recognized. But
Islamic Spain was much more than a mere larder where Hellenistic
knowledge was kept for later consumption by the emerging modern
world. Not only did Muslim Spain gather and preserve the
intellectual content of ancient Greek and Roman civilization, it
also interpreted and expanded upon that civilization, and made a
vital contribution of its own in so many fields of human endeavour
-- in science, astronomy, mathematics, algebra (itself an Arabic
word), law, history, medicine, pharmacology, optics, agriculture,
architecture, theology, music. Averroes and Avenzoor, like their
counterparts Avicenna and Rhazes in the East, contributed to the
study and practice of medicine in ways from which Europe benefited
for centuries afterwards.

Islam nurtured and preserved the quest for learning. In the words
of (the Prophet's) tradition "the ink of the scholar is more
sacred than the blood of the martyr." Cordoba in the 10th century
was by far the most civilized city of Europe. We know of lending
libraries in Spain at the time King Alfred was making terrible
blunders with the culinary arts in this country. It is said that
the 400,000 volumes of its ruler's library amounted to more books
than all the of the rest of Europe put together. That was made
possible because the Muslim world acquired from China the skill of
making paper more than four hundred years before the rest of
non-Muslim Europe. Many of the traits on which Europe prides
itself came to it from Muslim Spain. Diplomacy, free trade, open
borders, the techniques of academic research, of anthropology,
etiquette, fashion, alternative medicine, hospitals, all came from
this great city of cities. Mediaeval Islam was a religion of
remarkable tolerance for its time, allowing Jews and Christians to
practice their inherited beliefs, and setting an example which was
not, unfortunately, copied for many centuries in the West. The
surprise, ladies and gentlemen, is the extent to which Islam has
been a part of Europe for so long, first in Spain, then in the
Balkans, and the extent to which has contributed so much towards
the civilization which we all too often think of, wrongly, as
entirely Western. Islam is part of our past and present, in all
fields of human endeavour. It has helped to create modern Europe.
It is part of our own inheritance, not a thing apart.

Akbar S. Ahmed, Living Islam

It is well to recall that Islam not only caused Islamic
civilization to develop but also enabled the European Renaissance
to take root and grow. The time when Islam was most strongly
established was also the time when art, culture and literature
flourished, whether in Spain or, later, under the Ottomans, the
Safavids and the Mughals. Christian Europe was enveloped in
darkness until Islam came to the Iberian peninsula. For centuries
Islam fed Greek, Sanskrit and Chinese ideas into Europe. Slowly
and steadily Europe began to absorb those ideas. In England,
France, Germany and Italy society began to explore literature and
art with a new perspective; thus the seeds of the Renaissance were
sown. -- p. 15

Washington W. Irving, Tales Of The Alhambra

As conquerors [Muslims], their heroism was equaled only by their
moderation, and in both, for a time, they excelled the nations
with whom they contended. Severed from their native homes, they
loved the land given them as they supposed by Allah and strove to
embellish it with everything that could administer to the
happiness of man. Laying the foundations of their power in a
system of wise and equitable laws, diligently cultivating the arts
and sciences, and promoting agriculture, manufactures and
commerce, they gradually formed an empire unrivaled for its
prosperity by any of the empires of Christendom . . .

The cities of Arabian Spain became the resort of Christian
artisans, to instruct themselves in the useful art. The
Universities of Toledo, Cordova, Seville, Granada, were sought by
the pale student from lands to acquaint himself with the sciences
of the Arabs and the treasure lore of antiquity. -- p. 52

John Edwards, History Today

On the second day of January [1492] I saw Your Highnesses' royal
banners placed by force of arms on the towers of the Alhambra . .
. and in the same month . . . Your Highness, as Catholic
Christians and princes devoted to the holy Christian faith and the
furtherance of its cause, and enemies of the sect of Mohammed and
of all idolatry and heresy, resolved to send me, Christopher
Columbus, to the . . . regions of India. -- vol. 42

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